Thursday, October 22, 2009

We're catching on!

Organic cotton is becoming more mainstream. That's good news for you and your pocketbook. As predicted, the more the demand, the more production and lower prices.

According to The Organic Cotton Market Report, retail sales of organic apparel and home textile products climbed 63% in 2008. The 2008 Organic Cotton Farm and Fiber Report states organic farming worldwide for the 2007/2008 year increased 152%. Wow!

India, where our onesies originated, has overtaken Turkey as the leader in production worldwide. Their production, according to The Organic Trade Association, increased 292%. The United States increased its production in 2008 by 9%.

I have noticed in my web wanderings we in the States are behind in sustainable living than with our friends beyond the pond. I wonder if it because we are such a big country and have so much space. But, times are changing and so are lifestyles.

So; what does this mean to you? As my prices go down; so will yours. Rubi J has reduce the price on all of our onesies products. Check out the website.

That's little Katherine in one of our custom screen printing onesies.

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