According to The Organic Cotton Market Report, retail sales of organic apparel and home textile products climbed 63% in 2008. The 2008 Organic Cotton Farm and Fiber Report states organic farming worldwide for the 2007/2008 year increased 152%. Wow!
India, where our onesies originated, has overtaken Turkey as the leader in production worldwide. Their production, according to The Organic Trade Association, increased 292%. The United States increased its production in 2008 by 9%.
I have noticed in my web wanderings we in the States are behind in sustainable living than with our friends beyond the pond. I wonder if it because we are such a big country and have so much space. But, times are changing and so are lifestyles.

So; what does this mean to you? As my prices go down; so will yours. Rubi J has reduce the price on all of our onesies products. Check out the website.
That's little Katherine in one of our custom screen printing onesies.
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