We're in it now. Our first shipment of onesies have arrived and they are everything I hoped they would be. At times, I thought we may have set our standards too high and wouldn't find the product we wanted to offer our customers.
I'll have to admit when my daughter, Stef, and I opened the first box, I was apprehensive about our endeavor. We had not gone to any shows. Everything has been by research, research and more research. We finally had all the certification we wanted. The only thing left was "Would we like it?".
The answer: YES!!!!
A SIDENOTE: I love working with my daughter. To share the same excitement and dreams with her has been a gift from above. I know many of my friends who couldn't, under any circumstances, work with their offspring, parents or siblings; no matter how deep the love. We have been blessed with our compatibility, mutual respect and same off beat humor. Add in the factor she has given her father and me an outstanding son-in-law and two beautiful grandchilden. (Grandchildren, by the way, open a separate part of your heart.)
AWWWW!!! thanks grandma! i didn't know i was so important! did i really open another part of your heart?!
These onesies are so awesome and we have FIVE beautiful models that will be displaying the clothing on the website, which will be launched NEXT WEEK...
And, Mom, you're too sweet!
That wasn't Alex's comment -- it was Stef's...
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