Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Thank you, Martha Stewart.

First things, first.

We love onion rings; real onion rings. You know the ones; "Let's order a big plate first at Applebees, before our 2,000 calorie meal" onion rings.

The frozen onion rings you put in the oven are not technically food, in my opinion. It's this cardboard crust around 3 inches thick with a little slimy worm inside.

So, in our quest to rid us of fried foods, I can across this recipe on the Martha Stewart website. Actually, I was listening to Martha Stewart radio, when someone called in to rave about it. I went to the website, search "baked onion rings" and here they are.

I tried them this week. The recipe's serving was for 4; but after my husband and I finished them off, he asked if there were any more. They're a "keeper". 

They would be perfect for Super Bowl Sunday.

I'm not going to give you the recipe. If you're reading this, you already have access to Martha's website. It's easy to find

One note, however. The recipe calls for buttermilk, which I never have around. You can always substitute regular milk and adding a tablespoon of something acidic - lemon juice, vinegar, etc. It works for me.

Now, if only I can find a way to make corn fritters delicious without deep fat frying them. The quest continues.

1 comment:

Stef Kramer said...

Sounds like they'd be lovely for when your daughter drops by for lunch as well. :)