Monday, December 27, 2010

Keeping the Christmas Spirit.

Grandson Cole opening his gifts!
 I know for sure the Christmas weekend is over. One sure sign was how hard it was to get my jeans buttoned this morning. Ouch. Back to reality.
First things, first.
Hide the caramels.
Now I can concentrate.

The party is over but the spirit lives on. I've been busy these last few weeks (like everyone else) with Rubi J's orders and family planning. Fun but tiring. It's back to the grind; but let's don't go alone. Let's take the Christmas Spirit with us through each day's journey.

Daughter Stef and I made a committment to remember to keep giving throughout the year. We both have our favorite charities to which we donate; but we wanted to get more involved. So we decided to keep reminding each other to "do an extra". When we're at the grocery store, grab an extra item for the food bank. When we're shopping, pick up an extra pair of socks for the Open Door Mission. How simple is this?

I know this comes from watching Bill Murray's "Scrooged" too many times; (I still cry at the end) but what he says is true. "The more you give, the more you want to give." You just don't want that wonderful feeling to go away.

My family and I are so blessed. My husband's and mine favorite expression of endearment to each other (after "Love you") is "We're lucky people".

My daughter, Stef, and me. (That's Stef on the left.)

For you people that don't know me; that was a joke. Merry Christmas Spirit!