Right now, there is one item on my list: nasal rinse.
Probably not what you were expecting.
First, a little background. I now know I have had allergies all my life. But being a farm girl growing up in the 50's, I don't think I ever even heard the word allergy. I do remember always sneezing and lots of headaches. That didn't travel far with Mothers of that era. If there was no fever, you weren't sick; simple as that.
Fast forward to when mother (me) and daughter (Stef) went to an allergist to be tested. This has been quite a few years ago, but I'll always remember the shame of that day. Young teenager, Stef, and I were filling out our separate history records before testing. I was still smoking at that time.
Talk about a red flag!!!!! "I see you're a smoker, Mrs. Ronfeldt. Do you smoke in front of your daughter?"
"No - well, hardly ever - sometimes - I won't any more." That was just the beginning of a very long day. Every room I was led into there was the announcement "We have a smoker here." I saw the disgust in their eyes.
After all the tests and humiliation, I was told I was allergic to Iowa. In other words, environmental.
Which brings me back to Sandy's List. I have been on so many treatments through the years; but nothing has helped me as much a nasal rinse. I know it sounds gross, but does it ever work. This is what I use:
It only takes a few minutes a day, totally safe and no side effects. If you suffer like me, please try this. And no, I'm not a paid spokeperson (although I would be available).
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