Monday, September 20, 2010

I'm trying, really, really trying.

Last week I was in the hospital for 3 days. No, nothing wrong with me. I was staying around the clock with my dear step-father-in-law during his total knee replacement. First, everything went well; second, no sleep: time to read and research.

I spent hours and hours on Ron's iPad reading about pesticides, additives and preservatives and the correlation with ADDA and autism.

I was upset, outraged and indignant; I must spread the news. So this week I was going to alert the public.

Then, I looked in my kitchen's drawers. Ouch.

White bread, Kraft Mac & Cheese and (the devil himself) Lays Potata Chips. I'm a fraud. 

So; back to "Google". Need to find redemption.

Fact: There are 14,000 man made chemicals in the American food supply.

Well, no wonder I lost the battle; I'm just one against an army of commercial might and power.

But, still the battle rages on!!!. We will fight one little scrimmage one at a time. Let's start with artifical food coloring.

When you go grocery shopping; don't buy anything with artifical food coloring. Studies have found a link to hyperactivity and autism.

This will be our first step.

Let us be strong.


Stef Kramer said...

How's Dad taking the news?

Rubi J said...

He eats what I put in front of him at mealtime. It's the snacking that's troubling.