Friday, December 31, 2010

My New Year Resolution.

Here it is, the last day of the year, and I still haven't decided what my New Year's resolution will be. So, I've been thinking about it all day.

First thought - "This year I going to work out on my Cross Bow exercise machine every day." Wait a second. I think that was my resolution last year (and the year before).

Second thought - Peace in the Middle East. I could succeed where others have failed and become "Time's Person of the Year". Nah, I don't have time.

Third thought - Maybe something more domestic, like keeping my bathroom drawers organized. Too dull.

Final thought - Find joy in whatever I'm doing and keep laughing. Yes, I think I can do this. Hope you can, too.

Happy New Year, everyone.

1 comment:

Stef Kramer said...

Love it - that's an awesome resolution. seems doable as well.